4+2 lectures per week in
area III (Theoretical Computer Science)
core course, topic algorithms
Time and Place:
Mon 15h c.t. - 16:45, lecture hall MW 1250
Thu 10h c.t. - 11:45, lecture hall MW 0250
First lecture: Thu 17.10.02
2 hours per week exercises accompanying the lectures
Di 16h c.t. - 17:45, lecture hall MI 00.07.014 Teaching Assistant:Alexander Offtermatt-Souza Course Certificate: To get a course certificate students must
get at least 40% on the homework assignments and
pass the final exam.
Due to the strike of Munich's public transportation company MVV the homework may also be handed in on Tuesday December 17, 2002 during
the exercises or on Thursday December 19, 2002 in class.
Attention! There had been an error in assignment 10 exercise 3. Get the new version!
Attention! There had been an error in assignment 11 exercise 2. Get the new version!
The results of the exam are in the display cabinet 03.09. The date for insight in the exam will be announced soon.
The Exam will take place on Thursday, 6.2.2003 10:15-13:15h in lecture hall MW 0250.
Please bring an ID a student ID with you.
Everything which consists of paper may be used during the exam (books, notes etc).
You will have 180 minutes.
Immatrikulation numbers of admitted students: see the exercises page.
graduate students of computer science
students with computer science as minor
1st and 2nd year courses
Course Efficient Algorithms and Datastructures I advantagious, but not necessary.
Recommended for:
Fundamental knowledge in topic Algorithms
During the last years efficient algorithms have been
discovered for various problems which outperfom
deterministic algorithms with respect to system and/or time
resources. Often randomized algorithms are also much easier
to implement and analyze than their deterministic
In this lecture we will present basic principles for the
design of randomized algorithms. The course is based in the
book Randomized Algorithms by Motwani and
Related and Advanced Lectures:
Efficient Algorithms and Datastructures I
Lecture Notes:
The lecture notes of Max Pühler and Benjamin Helfmann are available here.
But these are not "nonofficial".
R. Motwani, P. Raghavan:
Randomized Algorithms
Cambridge University Press, 1995