Computer Science Department
Technischen Universität München
Chair for Efficient Algorithms
Internet Algorithmics (SS 04)
Prof. Dr. Ernst W. Mayr
Dr. Sven Kosub
4+2 lectures per week in area III (Theoretical Computer Science)
advanced course, area algorithms
Time and Place:
Tuesday, 11:15-12:45, MI 00.04.011
Wednesday, 12:15-13:45, MI 00.04.011
2 hours per week accompanying the lectures
Tuesday, 13:15 - 14:45 Uhr, Room MI 00.13.037
Teaching Assistant:
Moritz G. Maaß
graduate students of computer science
students with computer science as minor
1st and 2nd year courses
course Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures I
course Internet Protocols advantageous but not necessary
Recommended for:
in-depth knowledge in topic Algorithms
in-depth knowledge in topic Computer Networks
Topics covered so far (as of July 20, 2004)
Internet: concepts and definitions
Internet applications
Combinatorial problems
Algorithmic techniques
Course outline
Internet analysis
Analyzing data
Algorithms on texts
Definitions and notations
A simple algorithm for exact pattern matching in texts
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
Boyer-Moore algorithm
Approximate pattern matching in texts
Algorithms on hypertext
Manber-Wu hypertext model
Exact pattern matching in hypertext
Approximate pattern matching in hypertext
Navarro algorithm
Algorithms on data streams
Processing models and complexity measures
Fischer-Salzberg algorithm
Estimating frequency moments
Algorithms for monitors
Processing models
Exponential histograms
Maintaining variances
Analyzing networks
Reconstructing network topologies
Dimensioning and locating monitors
Graph realization of degree sequences
Graph realization of distance matrices
Structural centrality
Indexes of structure
Distance-based centrality
Feedback-based centrality
Internet hierarchies
An abstract model for BGP
Combinatorial type-of-relationship inference
Further topics:
Managing the Internet efficiently
Content delivery on the Internet
Information retrieval on the Internet
Internet privacy and security
Related and Advanced Courses:
Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures
Computer Networks
Lecture Notes:
Lectures notes will be produced in parallel with the lectures.
The course is based on recent research papers which are not yet contained in a textbook.
Office Hours:
look here
Last modified:
Sven Kosub
, July/20/2004