Fakultät für Informatik - Technische Universität München

Lehrstuhl für Effiziente Algorithmen


Oberseminar Theoretische Informatik WS 04/05

Brauer, Mayr, Veith

Mittwochs um 14:00 Uhr s.t., Raum MI 03.11.018

* Fr, 22.10.2004, 10:00 Uhr s.t.
Yuri Matiyasevich, St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Tarski Theorem in 45 minutes
On of the most important decidability results is Tarski Theorem which allows one to determine whether a closed first-order formula with real variables is true or not (as a corollary we get the decidability of elementary geometry).
The original proof given by Tarski was very involved. After that it was simplified by many researchers. In my talk I am to present an algorithm which is
  • easy to understand;
  • easy to implement on a computer;
  • very inefficient (compared to modern advanced algorithms).
My talk is based on the lecture given by Professor Hoon Hong (see his abstract at
*Mi, 27.10.2004
Moritz Maaß
Fault-Tolerant Text Indexing

In this talk we address the problem of constructing an index for a text document or a collection of documents to answer various questions about the occurrences of a pattern when allowing a constant number of errors. In particular, our index can be built to report all occurrences, all positions, or all documents where a pattern occurs in time linear in the size of the query string and the number of results. This improves over previous work where the lookup time always depended upon the size of the document corpus. Our data structure has size O( n log^k n) on average and with high probability for input size n and queries with up to k errors. Additionally, we present a trade-off between query time and index complexity that achieves worst-case bounded index size and preprocessing time with linear lookup time on average.

This is joint work with Johannes Nowak

*Mi, 3.11.2004
Sven Kosub
Implementierung kürzester Wege
Im Internet erfolgt die Koordination des Verhaltens von Entitäten (wie Routern, Servern etc.), die von verschiedenen Parteien kontrolliert werden, durch Protokolle. Unter der Annahme, dass die Parteien ihren eigenen Interessen folgen, ist davon auszugehen, dass Protokolle nicht ohne weiteres Zutun eingehalten werden - insbesondere nicht, wenn es für eine Partei von Vorteil ist zu "lügen". Der Protokollentwurf muss deshalb durch geeignete Anreizsysteme flankiert sein, um ein system- und zielkonformes Verhalten zu ermöglichen. Das allgemeine Standardverfahren der Implementierungstheorie ist hierbei der VCG-Mechanismus, der die Parteien durch Seitenzahlungen anregt, ihre wahren Präferenzen zu offenbaren. Im Zentrum dieses Übersichtsvortrages steht das Implementierungsproblem, in einem Netzwerk einen kürzesten Weg zu bestimmen, wobei die Kanten (Verbindungen) im Besitz von Parteien sind. Wie teuer kann es werden, einen solchen Pfad zu finden? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage geben wir zunächst eine kurze, systematische Einführung in die Implementierungstheorie und diskutieren anschließend Arbeiten und Ergebnisse zur Implementierung des Kürzeste-Wege-Problems.
*Mi, 17.11.2004
Sebastian Wernicke
Fixed Parameter Tractability of Vertex Bipartization
In a recent breakthrough paper (2.5 pages containing one Lemma), B. Reed, K. Smith and A. Vetta give an O(4^k * n^O(1)) algorithm for the Vertex Bipartization problem. While the result itself is quite astounding, the algorithmic technique of inductive compression used in the paper seems useful for settling the fixed-parameter tractability of an even wider range of problems.
*Mi, 1.12.2004
Dmytro Chibisov
Towards the Efficient Method for Collision-Free Motion Planning
(joint work with E. W. Mayr and S. Pankratov)
The talk discusses a number of computational tasks arising in the calculation of the collision-free motion of a geometric object avoiding collisions with obstacles of a particular shape. The object to be moved as well as obstacles are semi-algebraic sets represented as logical conjunction of polynomial inequalities. According to configuration space approach, the object to be moved is replaced by an individual point in the so-called configuration space. The calculation of forbidden configurations, due to the presense of obstacles, can be reduced to the calculation of projection of semi-algebraic sets. We shall show how the projection can be calculated by quantifier elimination over the reals. In this way the problem is reduced to the calculation of the motion of an individual point in the configuration space. We also show how the collision-free motion in the configuration space can be modeled with the help of the Newton's equations, which can be solved numerically in an efficient manner.
*Mi, 15.12.2004
Seth Pettie, MPI Saarbrücken
Approximating Shortest Paths with Purely Additive Spanners
An additive k-spanner of a graph is a subgraph whose distance metric approximates that of the original graph to within an additive error of k. (Graphs are undirected and unweighted). It is known that every graph contains an additive 2-spanner with O(n^{3/2}) edges and that this bound is optimal. Until the present work no other additive spanners were known and their existence was very much in doubt.
In this talk I'll discuss a new method for computing additive spanners based on an economics inspired view of the problem. Our primary result is that every graph contains an additive 6-spanner with O(n^{4/3}) edges. The same method is used to prove several lesser results.
* Do, 16.12.2004, 14:00 Uhr s.t.neu
Irit Katriel, MPI Saarbrücken
Online Topological Ordering
It is shown that the problem of maintaining the topological order of the nodes of a directed acyclic graph while inserting m edges can be solved in O(min {m^(3/2) log n,m^(3/2)+n^2 log n} ) time, an improvement over the best known result of O(mn). In addition, we analyze the complexity of the same algorithm with respect to the treewidth k of the underlying undirected graph. We show that the algorithm runs in time O(m k log^2 n) for general k and that it can be implemented to run in O(n log n) time on trees, which is optimal. If the input contains cycles, the algorithm detects this. This talk described joint work with Hans L. Bodlaender.
*Mi, 22.12.2004
Markus Holzer
Reflections on REFLEXION - Computational Complexity Considerations on a Puzzle Game
We investigate the complexity of solving puzzles in the game REFLEXION. It is shown that the difficulty of the puzzles depends critically on the features used in the puzzles; the most basic variant of the game is SL-complete, and hence can be solved in polynomial time, whereas other variants are NP- or even PSPACE-complete. This paper is a joint work with S. Schwoon (Universit"at Stuttgart).
*Mi, 26.1.2005
Markus Holzer
Flip-Pushdown Automata: k+1 Pushdown Reversals are Better Than k
Flip-pushdown automata are pushdown automata with the additional power to flip or reverse its pushdown, and were recently introduced by Sarkar (2001). We solve most of Sarkar's open problems. In particular, we show that k+1 pushdown reversals are better than k for both deterministic and nondeterministic flip-pushdown automata, i.e., there are languages which can be recognized by a deterministic flip-pushdown automaton with k+1 pushdown reversals but which cannot be recognized by a k-flip-pushdown (deterministic or nondeterministic). Furthermore, we investigate closure and non-closure properties as well as computational complexity problems such as fixed and general membership. The presented results are from joint works with Martin Kutrib (Universität Gießen).

Moritz Maaß