Fundamentals of Algorithms and Data Structures
- Lecturer:
Dr. Hanjo Täubig
- Module:
- Adience:
Students in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (compulsory course)
Students in Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics (compulsory course)
Students in Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics (compulsory course)
Students in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science: Games Engineering (compulsory course)
Students with minor subject Computer Science
Students in Master of Applied Computer Science
Students in Postgraduate Studies of Computer Science
- Time and Place:
Tuesday, 13:45–16:15, lecture hall MW HS 1 (Gustav-Niemann-Hörsaal)
- Exercises:
2 hours per week exercises accompanying the lecture
Teaching assistant:
Jeremias Weihmann
6 credits
- Prerequisits:
Basic knowledge in computer science
- Recommended for:
Fundamental knowledge in topic Algorithms and Data Structures
- Exams:
See here for more information.
- Contents:
The lectures are planned to deal in particular with the following topics:
- Foundations
- Basic data structures
- Advanced data structures
- Sorting and selecting
- Algorithms on graphs
- Algorithms on texts
- Data compression
- Related and advanced lectures:
Efficient algorithms and data structures
- Recordings:
The content of the lectures is based on the following book:
Complementary and additional in-depth material can be found in the following books:
- Volker Heun:
Grundlegende Algorithmen - Einführung in den Entwurf
und die Analyse effizienter Algorithmen
2nd edition, Vieweg, 2003.
- Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia:
Algorithm Design - Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples
John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald
L. Rivest, Clifford Stein:
Introduction to Algorithms
3rd edition, MIT Press, 2009.
- Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos:
Algorithm Design
Pearson Education, 2005.
- Uwe Schöning:
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2001.
- Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne:
4th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011.
- Robert Sedgewick:
Algorithms in Java, Parts 1-4
3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
- Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos H. Papadimitriou, and Umesh V. Vazirani
McGraw-Hill, 2008.
- Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos H. Papadimitriou, and Umesh V. Vazirani
McGraw-Hill, 2008.
- Berthold Vöcking et al. (Hrsg.):
Taschenbuch der Algorithmen
Springer, 2008.
- Berthold Vöcking et al. (Eds.):
Algorithms Unplugged
Springer, 2011.
Journal articles: