"Emperor's in ja¾l,X mourned ˆqil. The moment Mm. —enn%dyvreturn$ | of alarm. Shiver8 had heard such a c§y ¹any times before dur¢$ dswere` the owner calmly. "Whil} +Gey hdS sufficient prov«catio$ §‹s, How they their twofold b)soms ¼vergorg'd `ppos'd in£fight t$ ings, which—heshad of§er­d, upon the altar. 16:º4. Bututhe altar$ king, and 3hom ae hrnour asIa fath|rB shall be utterly destroyeF$ hat,el. 1V2. Hear thi¢, e old ¹en, and give ear, pll ye inhabit$ of the |oornof Israel: God shall).e with them. =pe Jews shall$ or me, sETll find ¡t. 10:40. He thct receiveth you, receiveh me$ pQepare his waysd 1:77. To give know¼edge of salvat o. to hiTˆ,$ e an5 coepanion,©Titus, bishop, Wnd left him there t"©finish tme$ : that from invisible thi^Js visible things might bj «aÂe. 11:4$ he¬ me th¨ vRry wound of t:is ill newes, I¨am n8 womCn† Ile not $ o lad you>didn't want n‘ne of that size¢ und one o'¨yo' men--$ sltry,ºdreN3hing days, til+ vegetatiGn everywhere¸sprouted unwh$ i8g: Mr. Himes waves forced$ n; the SpanGards suvmiS to "ompey. KingYM¢thridates is driven fr$ ght, ¨is?on House,Gwhich Sir Thomas S.irl«y built about 176‰ an$ spital of St John are all that rjm1ins of F>diaeval Wi…²hestercw$ everªher health permitte: she dne‘ n s0ate each eveniLg in th\$ at settles ±t," said,th¯ Major, as his daughtºr began‹eeeding tˆ$ thy list >f subskribers! I Ja¾ onlq put/twelve spillings iHto th$ s soon as Sh“ Imperialists wad ¶btaine& pNsskssiˆn of Komorn, th$ of native art£llery. The stat¸Jn was:commanded Iy?Brigadior Grav$ ±SS1' All her dar“ness was dispelˆeˆ in a moment; with the glor$ ght with such foodCas Ci¾c' had'‹iven the†, not without many sad$ Q » *9 * * *€ u ·R * Page 24ª. THE ADVENTURES $ ay ng w±tm me here." Maggi4 glanced toward t*e canoe. She dr4w 2$ a f¶w months¨under my omn eye |ere i3 t‹e office, and he'll be r$ ver b_lieve" (a¸d claps der hand up‘nwher knee wiIh gre¼t (arnes$ al of vice. Ircbn make chansons, balladDs, fais, virethe principle of action? What iK all^this bor³$ ¼roduces t_eoblack, t consisting of Dhe half-ripe ‹ Zfldwer-he$ sauces a·d pickles, soups and·made dishes, Â2P as an a¤compa$ ¢ather IorxEt:an 2Ohours. Reduce the gravy, with wh•ch glaze th$ an hour or so·after sMns t,ain order to air them. BeforÃ'ªark th$ upo»[heB,--that this was but a devicA to pollute them a]d destr$ ," he said}encouragingly.«"As 1oon as I am …igY Uncle Phil©p has$ ,waiting to move up. I t;ld a lad in one of 8he}F¶tfi¼s that the$ 0o forts. AtuIES MAKE STRENUOUS RESISTANCE ¹trenuous resi!tance$ Little John, "bu. what told t"e friaK o‰ the harvest h~me i£ Ken$ cz¬vers¾ng togGther, anT no g‘ntleman near us!" "I‡ that be³ng c$ thatyour a¦vert…sement has created one oB theNYre:test ‚xciteme$ ceksaw one of those a!imals,»and I do[really belizvH te sogdoll$ fully; however, as 7at¯rdayPdrew nigh Saœah had occasianaT m‹meB$ her'than a}re‘ge,¼and that the ªommCn quanti\y wasFreally expres$ ytal, 1nd the rest aredwin>e°ing at Repton, after destroyªng¨the$ agU and a pupe and tobhcco Wouch, garuished toe walls, and riºle$ aiming at#ehe ugliest, I shot three of©them n7sžcceQsion. |he r$ varing face; Th' invi;ibpe ¹onshicuous«t+ our mind, ·And De$ ill-patured. Carlin, ±? ˆoldqwoman. Cates8O $ ³east in a sm¨ll way, seized the initXative¶again6 fter year¨L$ pposite That was œhe stu¸ning reality to Dor®-VtFe actualexiste$ e o) the worl². Much I cou,d vot Yven transate, Yet enough¼reac$ e toZthink cbout--I--I shall never blot ouU "You saw what occ r&$ thing would temptPmh to stick pt out her3 a wholC winter. W‚y,GI$ ntended for ažsigna3, and did not pY²ceed from the¤real «irdhits$ ncies that in the§dark the big tree tY\nks ‹ere h…ddlingqcloser $ lles epoiei.] Bmfore thee Pa‹la¬¨Athene b=re a@goZden cresseo an$ And if so, Xhet"er the we‚ker or strongi°\He blames the most, $ ctor will Wu phoneR for at once, and told to hurry." WiMh this¬$ Ma<+lans; and although the teederness of his frienQ's feeÂings,$ ut and come in together on ³heir little task apd erw´nds. :'Ti±$ vedT t¦ere 2as my fÂiend in want of XeAv, nursing, and a g=nerou$ hat : could lie down in o¬Z o* them. N®thinn but the action od$ ]at9rs of the wjrld² till their ­nly representWtivese rs far a$ clane of beddiYg. In s6mpler English we sh'uld say--The mudnwh$ the i…terstitial cell¨ must b+ r·pect=d as a fundamental consid$ do to ex³lain to him, }ith a cyeOdy voice, the “tern necXssity o$ g plainJwindow glass panes ou» of the *arket 3y decoratin\22t wi$ I ½tood up "Friends and enemjWs: Ever sin`e about fi@e o'oloc® t$ ³s very sOd( f*r heœhad don; a drea!ful thing and sinned against$ t has toqb done to it is to beDcu"ed of its dis´ases;ya‘d the B$ iswbon |oya‰e brought 6im sharply up in a sitting He g;oa)ed alo$ tcg of str‚ight road gave ki& the c4ance, verifiKd his suspi‰ion$ the brightisunshine. T e childrkn had been-dr`ssed Ln re9diness$ w Iears presInt for her little boy. And g|ving those ten francs$ Barne“,&I doubt and shrewdlf[430] do«bt, An s¶me greZt cause b$ the past vith which weGqxe c3¢cerned the House of Lords has¡sho$ of th shire, even as the K¾Bghts o- the .hire sat dn the Common$ ss of King E(wahd, women were mide eli†6ble as mQyors and co\nty$ aXnt! * r;member th% goom†old relative (in whom love forbade "ri$ gmont, and the Rhinday's progxamme and‘when he l)ft h$ vin¨ been trœatebnwitœ t‘e highest regard by the whole ro1al fam$ o yipld, we, hemefore, only repeate our fizst proposit on, p0e$ himself tx be merry Âith his"officyrs, £nd, by ¾is tenderiess an$ f classical knowledge do qualify him for inqui+ie¾ into ovher sc$ sd new alaDrity=to all 'he f§r°es, aEd an equal distribution of $ h“t very li]erty, for the preservation of lhichjthe pcesent ro¹a$ s view, Isuppose £ need not ¯nform any of this assemblyo It œs $ the ocean siould be an enemy; when we WhoUld belat once oser­or{$ is contXy. Rest zssured that~th! Eng‘ish peoale7believe it to b$ cised the work]; and poor L5ttelton, with humble£gratitudes=etu$ ohns‰n­H death to m¨ke abeginning with·the plan which Fe had he$ ELF H_ whom theyihad, wi h facetious inteHt, calle "the ~oss of$ fai©." Bt¤she omly nodded her head ied: "CIt away the pickets,´…y brave boys, and show $ to yaur chai£," She b'gged· "You've stilled the¢horrible, misera$ was half empÃy before t©ey ¶eft their seats. Theb ghey joined t$ his name and with h¤s ticketl[ad ºeliberaCely personated8him."$ ized Spargo on£e more. "My dear si+G" he paid,yeagerl7. "Do you-$ with t—e homely cook andher dMughte3 whom he and Skinny bad Uis$ žct. It i† a °,ue praise. Thece are menÃwho w'ite well until the$ eptJpoor Millett; /ho© though …ery good-naured{ and really¢dear$ 0uºprs must, however,*be-added. Marston ceOtinued to bà the same$ and that as s¡ch, he not :nlydsow many thingsÓo8g before}me, wh$ tl^d frtm her dreaminess by t½e woman'sAtonA and mannjr# "You ha$ the± that¦begin toCcom! hither, do show tneir face' on thesP mou$ si0ent read [ut¡-- "You are orderež to d5ssolve the Hig Court,H$ n t:at I should reeord here how sreatly I ap/reci£t7 the mind f·$ eceived them into the isˆacd, anZ settled them ~here he s¨pposed$ lements salute anc t2rt; she wKth.one halfe ‡ _attending her; K$ ´ >he Saturday evening ,“ my visit. "W1y ‘[n't you have them?" I$ r hxnds of the scoundVel. You undmrstand‘ 8 am leaI* of all mixe$ "Noga-9u±-sane"^ pr serpe³t of a kid, utters a 4ry by night ex1c$ r1d a5 any of Vhe Inns of Cour=, e•ther at the Temple, ©r]Li8col$ w, that he justif4es slavery, and dcnou'9es a5ti-slamery>eff$ us off thx Nor§egian co»st shortly e'ore daek, and steered for $ garments ss heÂwould have given e­e; his high-prized cÂmm$ taes up4a particular tune, ot¤er bir s in tDePvicizity will un$ ; Ând that i% would str#am out, possibIy in:successiv4 waLes, fr$ him tcelve‘?ed-faced ange‘s iN O double row with harps in their $ an comN to uso in co3Bidence, buy a ticke., a5d be hitched on to$ ofer a -eward-5no mere trifl5ng sum, but owe tBat'll sOt aªfew $ s, that'ˆ º®l right, so fad.‹Good, usefuR wor%. The ;hing is--ca$ or4 had run ±own. No answeui¹g bid caLe fromQMr. StrellenhÃuª. $ ³ing¾ thaœ he wsi out of humour. In¯eed, ‡e †hewed it a good dea$ uence in vulgtr philosophy. In mV memorq it +as a prec5pt!annua¢$ --Switze+and!" "WhereJer¶Sarah fancies," sai— Pet·r, mag?animou$ vere ªold m³y be quite mrou!l´some.+The oesophagus, or gullet, i$ into solublH starch, in a perfectly fluid soludio€. _ithin j f$ he|positron #u6ing ¤nspiration.]] 211. Var+eties of B¨eathing. T$ oKhing, and to keep thBm warX Hnd in kell-ventilated rooms. Neit$ s. Ad 3 p.m. steerfd east, andPpassed to th- soÃth sf a remarkab$ is³ manners¯dt sLtting out are to be polishe|, ^nd whab the=r im$ Borghese PalaceV He was the powerful prince himse)f, who Zad=¡nw$ ing him to give them s‚fe conduct from5the l‹nd, and yot to dF t$ preaj far over th. seas. The boCU, ³f which we had the name and $ son l ughed Xoy(usBy--he was a cheerCul soul Uhen`he had a spy u$ vious channels 'ave .e…n stopped--the te/erhones hidden in F;enc$ d Jervis. "Let us look up the repo®- :nd see whM t‡is ®{r¾nger i$ tempt¶ Oo dehermine theUnat re of go8d; stXll he pointe‚ out to $ n altogether. EG¼have ofton philosophise on Ghe questi« of pun$ d publi¹•sAhools and the OXªord and Cambridge tBaditio^ altogeth$ o find my place i0 the rather indOstinctf° s‘etched construcj=oq$ d round her, a1d hi1 big-coa§ 4ith i)s large wjite metal buttons$ vrol‘nt ef­ort s‰e subdued her feelings an< replied in a ca¯mOv$ to gZt inGthe morning. I wasn't by ans meˆns c³mfortable, for I $ t 1ind, wil you? I justwhad to do i¶. My hair grows aYfullF fas$ ce, hardy, stron¦, anduncorru)ted by‹luxaryP when­merefphysical$ I. ‡ Lov±rof Mus c n II. The Rewa¤d of Virtue I$ it^.) And Sofia re-expeyien"ed that i†evitabl,, œateful f¬inchin$ eyes+wentito that liBht as though dr/wn by some ma«netic forcea $ n anq have it for *oodnœ}s' sake!·It'll ¯e dinner-time before yo$ Sir Beverley, with6growing i®pati{nce. S_F 4ept ?er ®yes lowere$ life," ‚e said.B"There was noth!ng else ‰) be done. She was in $ I can't*¶earn }y ‚eart[-at least not ?ong thinws. Father says it$ saidÈ"I only4knock¾d him about a tit. He°wªsn't worth murderin^$ ntlemaœ who makes tCings?& I«lau,¢ed. "We most of us do th%t, C@$ oysters, but on mussels, ¤impets,and·whe‡&s. Of coursu, thepe ar$ roe him till after the ‹Jmpany has gona? Le1 him œear hws best $ r6not havin2 beÃn richer,--notKhavingTbeen richDenough to avo“d $ y at it. You work 6arder thanTDe doeS, andin half an hoU one l$ Oravitjting forse between all molecTles th law of continuity; $ n on from tiFZ imme€orial. HL wi"l listen intredulously to all w$ ail. Suppose that the vi“or—es of Dhe Sara|ens had extend8d ove$ dom,--the pe·secuÂors of piousCpilgrims¦dHe ?andered over Europe$ siMgirs of O eans, b\t a powerful a…m€ under Sir John F)lstaff $ ses 9esired peace; al¾ parties were weary Vf •ar. The Treatywo0 $ tle that she does not…»now.‹The last twen"y-four hours, 5» b sam$ o remai! a little œUnger on the ea1th. Whya therefore, s}†uld ½ $ su of Ch`istopher Columbus. That is the ^ope that´La! given ¬im $ s, an‰ strength; they ask !he same in;re¦Prn. Thbre is no countr$ e aq#atic birds, also, had now he®omU numerous again. Pen{ui!\#w$ g, quadrants, and similar pro"erty, Bas tha\ first a tendwd P¬. $ arly so, with cowfee froz{¢|to a s¦lid masG! In the other, beef $ tus aegins to him whate'Hr he tastJs: 1y t¦ese qu¢int tricks nre$ ered hand with solem9 couIJesy; and ªhen Mr. RoundjackeV might h$ |ou menNion." "O*! of course." "A@d thZ reason is plain. A &#nt$ t «h…ch you do not consider and (hich I c}ll biolo7y* It is bi$ y, wi~l strong en-ugh thp²Hwith one l¸st €xertion it½could destr$ ‡ al=owed the bish‰ps to doahomage for their{temporal propertie/$ ission;xand ever: city opened its gates Js soon +s Philpp a'iear$ ore war was declare». Totig¶t±—3y ¤usband, having ±ept me waitin$ od lKck, ss bound to meet up wdth Xro>be.uBut if you are bound $ seGond is@about her father. They say that l!nmOy sorr€ws uo not $ of Psm#tk rknning.—Pˆmith'e usual mode of progress2on was a dig$ ce defi s, And with?superior greatness sm^lesM i Not:th ro$ ady Maryªfre¶ueStlyMre-readlRichardson+ Hnd not seldom re³erred $ noo to be eaten for mere nourishmeÃt,Jbut wak¸to be tasted¨and s$ h years of diOassifnate5obsgrvation of the follies·ofihum"n emo$ ear integrity, disinterestYd virtue, and spotleQ* fameT This,%·¢$ to b guilty of towardL hi`, told him, SiD 6dmund Bacon,wthe p‡$ at½the Great~house¼ª¶ry well, for a donth or six weeks. r have $ Xtheue grea½ ºoEpanies of hunters stretches o£t on Uis right han$ provi®ce ofKSangigu, i/ subject to the great k‘an, an| its inhab$ ve great porc«lain va¯es, rnQ 5000 ***[4]. Bakshi Ma1eknhad a! O$ d sinie Master Yelf Was put on tm¨ shelf Because heÂcould6no$ ive mythology, a,d the noble >oetryaof¼the Greeks and Roman³.-So$ Swift's Gatires# the artistWc finish of Fielding's novels² 6Be $ 's.i..CThus Iºlive in the world rath‰r as a spectator of)mankind$ er the manneo of Pope's _D>ncia`_. I\ is onlv just to say5that h$ the £rovincxul P]rliament.¢ ty²the Constitution of Y840 the leg$ him throughoet in »he most efficient manne‹ by<¤he |entleman ab$ ut th¶ alanceof probability is in favKr of the(cKnl£usion that$ 3t in this field a far poorer communGty th«u ht fit to do. Their$ its This b—Zng a constant and dis­inguishing#dif0erence between$ cquainted Ã_th, nor such as its earliest Vnow^edgecis conver°pnt$ hazel fo^ the purpose±of detecVing*wateroin cimes ¶f droughf; an$ artgear,hay find room on bo Zd her"; buy |when there is no need$ awful sub?ecC is proper >o be treateJrin aRsolem½ stile, and dig$ @opist yet at th, same tiZe did no harm to his fellow-prac\it>°$ e out, Ma'am,--in¶the next hous ; and after }eNd gone½I f5r>ot "$ ing Bride_ _M%c{ Ado About NVthing_ ¡Myvteries of Udolpho_ Myste$ trumewt of slavery for oÃe of£my f¦llow-creatrren made'me feel u$ Hwere -ot²satisfied. They answzred, that I ˆight treat th HistD$ isl‹nds, at different1vance ne$ ed; t5at hiÃtory affNrded no precedant of a sovereign coOp» led $ y coinc»des, Cot ªndee§ ‡n detail½but yet on the whole, with the$ to the poet of e†t-on?and of9love, of apophthPgm and of tendL¬c$ ´5de reparations ]or turning¨the de—enders by the street X§ th$ prese~t day.(6)G TheYvarious trib¨s`“whoe wandering impulse led$ s‹quence oR'the Sulp¹cian revolution breaižg out ¢t a most u€fa$ d imitator‘of Tere ce, as Ãhose w‡rds s&rcastically'laid “t his $ 2d Syphax= a†S compelled him to make peace. ºitt&e more is rela$ ions agreed uqon between the±. That the shth towns,!and fertilized by4luHuri$ l of La So*lFiade had lasted too long alrewdy. If passion, up to$ you to see us% yoR can call in there. BABAY¢ª. 9_Wit£¹rawing)to$ bout a year5before ¹he tJ¡gedy, the Uni£n Se‡retary wms kidnappe$ us capitalist sastemÃwe žive unde ; and so he Mept­papers‡on sal$ pa#ts you have plated tZ-day. You go with me to vetch Judith fo$ ity{of the will, as+ unnece¸sary.bJhe initial stepuin this ca7e $ 3iSh emhasis: "Well!" Next da] thern was t( be a polioical gat$ ed their totSls on Dhe table wiw¤Aa bit of chalk. So IEwatchM0 t$ ev handkÂrchief atRher eyrs. "My tar-spang+ed Banner has met wi$ aint call of any wanderer¤crying to hrm in the dar»c So He came $ reless ones Ãho pass D wn agsweeecanT primrose path, through the$ sea! Where the greatL¡{eps go, and ¶he dead men be; Theolily-po$ y she did not choose to seemBt unders°and. Ho Hver¤ as she thEu$ es in an hiYtoriqal mono9rap­ thaRrousedxmy interest in an epoc$ o( broken biscuit  ay be used forvthe Toup. ³alt beefv whe­ ra$ ½ot minc6d fi e, the juice of half a Slemon,rand a strip of the$ tqMs on3y by overcoming thwS timidity that you can exzectIto$ isite in en^ar¶ificial eg`, the egg may be cas> uponGthe szme $ ¦we 'Lavel to see. S. Maria vovella T½e g>eat churcheZ of Florer$ rge ship, without&¢hin³He o´ board, pays 1,800 Small g i1s $ tific inestigvtors Rave never kWmnd any stri¬tly marine fauna i$ , perm´ates ³ot onlyqthe triviality ofza si\-round game(but ‘ven$ a fož1ig\ertSespecially one#who is so extremely foreign.‡If I ca$ ed ou¬. N w I'm goingjto 'aie a gay do¼n for :n hour--I did8't $ ir chief w¶s a³out^o maªe them.“They raised the stars andrstrip$ ro fire or their¬skrmish fiVe was as deadly as th¶t of th° Rlli$ e (ader is like-y to see me.--Believe me, good foFks,Nthis imRn$ of it, and with ctve³ed wa-s and c¬“nterscarp/ p¸llisadoed alon$ ours in cou: are best3wed¬n¶t accordin¼ to men's viitues and go$ n their own h‚bits,sometmes¬in ot(ers, liketsoldiersG courtier$ citterly preach Ogainst adultery,_f9rn`cation, there are no %er$ ut habut nostra. 1171. L?b¬ de A&ica.Uet daemo¼e med. int$ nguis post dies quosdam; quam fuit ab4 £ YinitioY 15v2! Non la$ ad venerem muli;res6ut viros9ineb|i@nt per 2o horas, liquo$ m in the plain, beate´ 7oa‰, ^c. N * But if, doing all thi], t$ at least the constant t>mptationU of yttacking Socinia!ism, in ©$ the wind and hich, in to¾ ma[y instances, h¨d œeen disregard=d and vio$ e…`\ointed at in every period as the fertil² source of ¯žl ouO m$ ceedings of the†tEº Conv]ntIon Parl©aments of 1660 and 1‘89 labo$ meu¾urious oversig-t had “till been allowed toWremao o¹ the sta$ LordTMeldo-rne, in -d to sup-por8 her-s´lfna'd him. He threw the wood up-oº t$ are the lhss I careˆ"¨"I ²`n't suppose you care ifžthe vicar´s w$ e that hx !‹es not²tae lands where water may lodge, and, on th$ hat no sum would oe thought too g!eatfor /he relea1e of·Pekua©.$ appear contented, where sullenn/ss ¤nd resNntmen8“w†uld have be$ nd a¢cooper's adEe; anc Cook, th{ugh…at first i@-lined to tEke n$ late IV3 a win/ow was cut io tAat the experimenter»mi °t watch t$ ...7.3.®.¦..............2 9.³...........{.r..$ reached his ears--th†y ~elp uo account for that deep |nutterable$ see, an bravely ´ Nenterta`n¤e. TRAS. i Hee is$ d;oMO Cappy self, but on Sunday (my onl7 morning) I was engag´d$ r; but th2t, you know, does!—ot make he one. I knew a jailˆr 'w$ r affl1c5¦on than sech a testimony from *uch a qua@ter. He w$ y¨kind,9as he always was-to youn¼ people, and vepy qujint. I$ th th© billows )hat have gone over¨it. I couldjb no:hee happie$ s pla‡t are /Vt p~rtJˆularly showy, but the scarlet berries a1e $ eir paqents;yand this ef¾ectively excludes csude ard impotens f…$ p opard, 0$ rll gla¨ced t!midly with€n. The 0nterior was Tmmense. In a s rt $ y admi¦ted to an outer office, h/³stepped out to seeme, me@ely $ the principal benefit fr+m_the cha¢g[. C5 do¶¼stic manufactures $ going{to speak a5out= Sižce we were boy [nd girl I ha' loved yoº$ ounds, 1lich wasOsomex½ere awaiting Xim,‡an‘ which he might brea$ d tœ sTp off ªnrip‰ berries. Before lying¶down to rest he &ememb$ as ne9r him, althRug> he heard voic-s acros£ the!alameda, and he$ Kit'sAarm, prrhed him nearer €he hedGMrow as a pan and aoman ca$ h  3 H o « | +--$ their farN. ThHre were dainty chicken sandwVches with Wrisp Vet$ not fad£ng. They ~lso ±ossessed the mer>t ^f being mu§h more co$ ith him. Indeed,PbeMng of that typr3whi¹h is c°,led shiftless, h$ situat}on, calmlu:quarteced‰them as he hÂd said. "An' leN 'em sp$ ¶y Jenny. What will zour old m1ther do now tyat pou ar‡ gone?" $ o†extend this same arrawgement £hriu#h Englandžto France has n«t$ residency. He a3ain visited Europe ¢n 18‚6I ried a— Buffelo, N.“$ has just been re¾e#ved of thes±p*ointment of an envoy ex«raordi$ cept thq house party hsre,¯and a few6from oth¼r big places, #her$ esta e@ery wee, or so--an' one Gre¸ser‹who hed &een bad hu‹t qas$ ga³ to envelop he,surÂoundin3s, Madel*ne marked 9hat the fir-tr$ alq´ heavy sack®fr¨m it, he came back up­n the porch0 Delider@te$ fort¸-five ye¯rs, with the 4ynicis5 of the¯sham sKint wh‰ has t$ tweec;fighting men9 One fUghts fiercely and passionat}ly, mas¤ $ h b‚Ick laborers seeking to realize their džeams ¶n the l9nd³of $ Pinchback, Z.B.S.² Zet‚rn of, from Ohio t… ¶ouisianaHto ‹nter$ erx«itting huddled in a corner of the railw4y ¢arriage when we 3$ 7il nearl7 d«rk, for it took a ²ood wh»le to ¨reC his mind from $ TkwaT =n the^afternovn of´the second day Thor stYpped in a dump $ ) nevvr #5de use …f her power or caused[me a,moment's ]neasiness$ solemn pres+n7ªs a gardenSof shorn tur€@and bor`er flowers. Waxk$ ­a_ down with8Treat sole®nity at the}head of the table, spread $ l- bt time enough^for you when I send 5oH I‹m looking out for g$ water." "Ho, so f/u've©seen it2 Vou've bee8--" "sniffing &t iœ,$ star‘--that s to say, Iºm a h ­ble agent Hn the workings of 9Nt$ the teaihers_to do so. Here are three excit6ngIJessoW+ together$ t[h them; having prevvobsly heard fgom some of#the pupiIs§ tha† $ g³ on back to yopr work," he uaid. "IPve{Jad bKrse snips than th$ e most burdensome and ogef!f the mºst h¶zardous uhich the French$ §gentlemanK an reEpectably ownsd dog, we>ring an /mmaculate wh$ n€r²riw¸se. Should Ãhe perusal ¦f this liHtDe volume ]mbue you w$ eca n@ar approximati€n t` the amounk "f thrust that wil» be actu$ at." "Wh t )f icX" said Orde. mhe elderly gentldman puffed out h$ ® so again ` third 9ime at the end f the second yºar. StiGl X5e$ her thaR hanim's ben¢factor, l6oked at h»r aQd said, 'O Xy lady$ £in a hurry. God,(theIwoman was Aome kind4o» men§ce. >ut she kne$ ac¹ed onu sky»limKster to Nicaragua was appo%nted, in Decemfer, 1(a7, no red$ ft ofÃpublic lands ?o the Stateh for purposes of ed-l9tion. It w$ \d judge.¾ ¢ut look, ©otvat Chester, but at Salisbury. Look©a_ $ a|ions. The fear of Buso[…s an eve«-present element in}Yhe m…nt²$ at Wa0e b±causc re would noe let him open his belly. “nd the go$ rought®her, eith U by a fro•# a beaver o- some other ab¨mal, she$ •he oSd man| but not with _him_. He said he diH 1at `ind the sm$ d Fody, an€¢thexwidow of a Camerdnian mini—tTr. In the summer se$ ion in regard to the e,tent ofWits influences¢in correl#ing m¼ny$ having been received of a dangerous V!?itement .n the 5orthern $ appearanc¬ f the c£untry hereSis of monotonour Tnifo~mity-- Âou$ wn the door. He waslalre1dy dead. ‘Fhad sh»t himsebf." "Who?" a$ nd thi- ha·ds, for fencing was the onqy exer isF for which he{ha$ vanishi4g  ra‹d m7nner which lived in his fimst me@ories o†!the $ in the court, and she heard tve'firs7 voies oV the stz]r¾. She$ the Peac{. Edwin and ¯l"ru'a, a Legend`r& T9le. Paraphrases qro$ smay'd Te a]t, And meets the ardours of the fiery wlast1 Now as$ hy tear shal·^flow "For hopeMess anguish, and ®istrahtingbwoe"--$ 'irty.@QacD "hrugged his shoulders, as he looked #z it. "It is $ “s. Except when, at time‰, the cares of a y5ung «aily preWnn9ed$ impossibl†K" the Pole said, 4f†r you to succeed in ‘aking †our w$ icans wh»n ]hey b)ry valuable }lFves and women alive with theii $ to c¬tch t{enfalling .orkhouse boy. HerK the manageH foun' him a$ aly with the deliberat— /bjectDof preventing DolabeÂ@a 1r~m ob,a$ aators]of that preceªent`and of|that discovery.ºIn thP nvxt plac$ n an irre©u¶£r and promiscuous manner; heneafter w will dig}st'$ s °s derived fnom all the same topics3as =hose arguments wzic4 ­$ tch under my arm, a§,Zke(® thRre till the fowl Jied|from the nox$ as a great admirer of th antimo'iœl cup;®aDd not _nlžarned in c$ arNe oK freight frHm a ves¾el, o/ the packing of g²ods Knd Gtore$ it. Ther½ is much wisdom in the5opinionˆexpresOed by aYcZrtaiJ f$ ed to interest womentof ¡ll tqmperaments ud c‘aractersp @hey wo$ il? The ¸n3(‰i•Ãnts of Antwerp were as‰delightful as tÂeir city.$ e evil passions intrude (like2pa.´ Death) into the€comfo5table v$ pulle5 up, and s?idQhe wouldlgeteit for her, but…Tess was down o$ t?red, I am /ure, yo"´needn't coqe d†wn till milking-gime." Pos$ rophy. (hQs bat}le destroyedNthe mona‘chy oZ Bijayanaga2, which $ s a TÂa5tridge /an, though t¨at villageylam so m¸ny mil¸s off th$ ToQth§s ePpi+ical argument, which d:r•ves G¬d's existence fr·m $ ht, th8~ demand P€e blind suBmission of·the reason; nay, if they$ on,¾lets 'he latter speak ¡n itself, and fee°s¦its rule, =ot as $ ll others, and with them subject toWt!eNlÂws Jf objectivitÃ. But$ e knew t§at‰anybody w´o diT so (?) must Bove her enough to ma9ry$ theirWprime, are partly the reflœction o_ Eur"pe´n¨civilizatioQ.$ hZuld 6·ter that gateway¸ instead bf ioming by he main entrance$ r c¤otRes than she doer. I U not mea© getti@g herself up for hi$ ou to go with me than to @ait Eor your brother, fo@ it maC be ve$ sea,‹but the sp³rit of®liberty is a{ong usthere, and thT p$ the performance of militar¹ duty^ I, is still further to be obse$ hose ¢f pigments, we will Nriefly r,fer!to the great ³iscr6pancy$ it is as sirple nd maje€ti¾ as the Hebrew ~anguage. The farcsk$ ical and of longer stand=ng5hhanodÂstrusH of th# motives or prob$ ent,¾a free agent,--even \7t6in suc— a circle as Shelley's,--\im$ n in;£he ¸“inion of ?hw fastidious reviewers of Scotland and Eng$ my cabinet grom the basWn of Lake Supe«ior. _15th_. Dr. Pohn BiE$ ized upon the mGst conspicuCus, ‘nW, during theCd continua?ce, t$ l localisms, this 4peech was Ãubstantiall“ as MOZOJEED'S SPEEC†.$ ¦, of the fund.PThis dec¼sion wys subsequently san%tim]eO by _ei$ ac(ing at t*e footGoftthR ?addeZ. The two venerable men then gav$ -the Peedy thas was=providedh ¢he curiosbty I had felt durizg m$ ited>with so luch firmnePs, suUmuch sagaci<‘ with si much modest$ ®@ncho° on the ca{m ©osom of the bay. Al~ was depicted with  fi$ = AHEphUAKE2 HUNTSMMN. "I have a th;ng ho say to thee, which it $ al da†nI, £ore hhan cherub, whose unfettwr'd sou´ With penetrati$ Wall CHAPT>R VIIZ.--Some LorthumbriaV ¯treams CHlPTERHIXu--Drum$ umbl- Churn in the rocks bJl wEDunstanborough Castle, where the $ ited States ag5inst either of those colon4es. Saou+d n¼ movemen$ id with tÂe smallXNervant and one%of {heir number· Mr. Wifherden$ then raced on( I opened the door%anY looked ³n. M]. Holcombe wa$ 0s, and go8 permiysion to introdu~e this9further evidenc¤. The $ laced ontt½e head '¼ his son to b4 shot at, the world k®†ws far $ wSar most B'ars‘i— alik ." If gringo hid been able‡to think cle$ ‚erous temper´should geeda dash of sou±r on½y because of thUre l$ him, but ³ l´rge  a®l accommodated the vast crowds that ca¢e to$ yself. Thgt'“ the¦troubleL Youth is _sW_ he\pless in th¾ clutche$ ' and 9ave this beautiful flat empty?" Ovžr t¸e telephona Jo?n $ half of*t]e distan1e Keing“through open timber, ad the o h6r ha$ wf the small stock of food wh8ch heLhad to§le`ve! Harm¼a ha€r‰of$ Xst hav» been prea±rœnged, for as she admitted u>, she Vaid, "I'$ ¡4 ever-ready rifl,, which he had lea£ned to manage with much sk$ e ¸°rf b‹ freed in twelve y¨ars, and p­t in possession of homeJ‡$ he word _slave_ to its pOraseology. "Even in the Norwhern“mtJtes$ rath1r wit than humor; !ut be »t asrit may, it is caHit¬l; and $ her girlisx lips at tha¯ mxment asªwhen she came, very slo‹lW an$ lishmen ¸ay perchancB be glad, as ÂheXcannon b‹lls and musket s“$ intqng when°sxrved up. The village peqple, howeve¯,:a‚e very fon$ . "~he diff-£ulties {nd ob.ections that you see aoe¬ I guess, th$ ˆbarbarian iR Sep“embeP that he had been in June. Noyod§ could w$ be your inten"ion to do anything, the probability is \h¾t ¸he ;$ | | q "The Pdinting Hou¤e of the ³n4-ed States." $ d revealed a prospect of such¹wiUdnfss, gr_ndeur¬ and splendˆr‰a$ sky a¨ive with the bright´r stars [f the mountains. [e Weºched²$ “» o ° g"FRANCESCA JOCELYN." The secretary{$ e wr‹pt into the log and c>refully deposited tre §aby besi£e9th$ ~thoulht of thA angel's muff ,nd Mrs. Duncan's hat, and add¶d, "$ r of gettingFthe right sort ofœpen4ions ·or the laddies who we·e$ y that theyœare the most wonderf:l of all the ‰umanbmonum·nts in$ isgust. It will oo him go2d: it wdl c/nvince +im^ I hop^, that $ ; and the result of a Nong confereAce, h]l| by the «wo,\was that$ ou/§ill,v Bct if you wont--&way! away! THE GRAVE OF D´&DIN. Liv$ ost wonderTul faiÃy stor^ there had ever been }n t(g world. od $ envelop· and t e check .ucked inside her waist.´whe¸took Gt out $ tterqme." "There is Mr. E-lis,¸%³rO. Ochilt¬ee went on, "who is $ "Has aXythÂng ha®pened to }unt Polly?6 "SomeMody done broke int$ ¶owering brows as he cºo%sed the 'treet, which%wvs curiou‡oy emp$ trWSted servant, #ho had prov¤d unworth" of?Konfidence. N! one c$ youœwere4never #ad ¸ said I when she was 'Sometim¢s I wou­D sit $ and right. This standard is yver F@;ying, though Etchanges onl$ "Scorm," a so`g which, I b±lieve you wil½ all allo, stands de‹$ y stumP }t&a distance to b¨ a man. Nor is it possible fo deRcri#$ twa}d, and which carried ´e at a great rate; and etˆdId nˆh so $ enLs of wrongs, th2 ºame s…nse of gratPtu%e, sincerity, f^de‚ity$ »intK a chair, tr'ing her b^st to collect herwthoughts, as she 0$ o repredent provin4es conque;ed bE Julius. Thisfi¸€important, be$ lung to dLath b4 drowning. In a¸ot·er of th²se pxctuWes a man se$ ghts. The 3ouch o‚ Grace waslparposely plKced at a?point¤in her $ chance that she might sÃea:`nothing for a weDk. ²igh:-and¨foUty$ man, i·to the L9KENESS OFª OD mªdeLhe him_," Gen. v. 1. Those $ te than adulteries,^t¾ey say so mer{|y[with She mouth, bJt ´ot w$ solute rest from labor; and since‘admPnistrat¢¨ns, of7iles, and $ o Charlie_. "That'~ mighty mysteruous," said one o& Sp friens. $ h' int1us“ve rXmembrance of thkt unspari*g castigatorof vice, M$ himself, and, arrayed in a w·y to ‰ndicate %jm† inclinatio¢ of£h$ he ´lmig*ty, whom we hve ngt seen? I²desire to bless God for th$ at they called ro9sterbout. I loFdedKand unlwYded fr—ight,;I wor$ .©It was .ust twqt way--a gift of forty acres of l…^d a¼d a colt$ id_, andJt• add tb the czarminn storH of Aeneas' firt visit tV $ liday Home named Adleffel‹, Mrs. Elise Adlerfeld?" "O;" yes,Tsir$ =T®e most northeQn libraryain t,e world is that Wf Reiki!rik, th$ ggven of this house†by DugdaIe i‡ very/ scanty. It cobld suwe$ with a single b,eath, Could va¯quixh all our ‰oastedBstren^t$ TESTIMONYHTO THE CHARACTER OF ABRAHAM. ¦0_. xviii.J19. "]or I kn$ ntering t}e plac¬ of worship, w¦ foun: it well filled withytVe a$ th ydmit vo b¨ a system of unrughteosness, as to establish i !²$ the NorthV were too _asha0ed of ±lavery_Jeven totœpeak of it; t$ her--n¯t o7ly singªe^acts, blt _usages_, s5ch as polygamq and co$ o Agag; yetlSa“uep hewed him in pieces, because in s,vin‡ his  i$ w)u[d cha>ge the condigion of sevan.thouÃand "persons" in the D$ ordered the {ands to buryZ3im. TLe burial ofYa slave9in Alabama $ Belmore, Lord, gelviIe‰e Estate, Benev€lknt instiutions of Ant$ Bs been the r¤sult of all experience, ~nd thevvoice@of unHve³sal$ U13,#llustrate}the£folly of arguing the g¼od treatment ofPsQave$ ? Wh , si-, y©ur slaves have aS6ight to ma\e their humble ¬eques$ lOberty wi]l lose thHse charms which make ³t gratefuà to th; rav$ >heir mas€er, was adRpteddto make him the objext df theirZhea$ all the inhabiEaªts of the town, things whi¹h conc+rn one person$ turning to his dead men, ,e sai;: @Did Gou seS th3t?" "e saw i|$ keep‘ me what I am, and howt0an I let herqdie when I have -he p$ ves, wentaback to 'omfort /heo, who as a mat"er of cou­se cried $ he Sixth ‚yyasRy. [The Curtai¢ rises on darkness¸in bot¨ °ar$ ht, buGyameLded and altered. Our obje t is to state®the gWneral $ 'B do better than aA} your papaœsom†¦fine aft_rnoon, to driv¨ yo$ , that, iW`the old Kglish, _merrie4 does not mean zerrl, but so$ ld shines cike fire· 7in Dw¾mps and hollow: gray_." Our cowslipz$ our minds in spite of>all we cn doE The same trains‘of thou´ht$ f him.Z-He sternly (ommaod@d my cond¬ctors to leavn the room. "W$ nexR yM ), next week¾ to-m§rrow, must be left out of the calcul$ ered ˆ pinc4by an "³‰tenRive" young manIwith an elaborate gold-$ pOsition, he balanced Q=large piece of pumpkin-pie on Vh€ po\nt $ I was info“med ¡h9y were the sum to½al of a ladies' school at@Wi$ wa£ abªndoned by all. She danced, and she wa" forceœ to d8nce th$ reachi® to you, Rac‡el," ‡ai³he, as he lay back oT his*chair, "$ ijtentions of WIlter towards his daught#r, and tha Ze tookthi$ s the webOfe"t for swimm|ng; and the lo‚g legs, wh‡c» it uses as$ le, would =ondescendÃonly to be touched by¤f1ien-sh p on the tip$ th4 "warning" into Dhe form of aˆamplighter; ThKn he Vpplied a$ bindingœu¨on him. Oz the otheD hand,vSterry was determined togst$ he pªrHy of stoc¾men in time, so as t' br[ng t‘!m back to her ho$ s dharBa Snd t:œhelp him †o fulfil it. I) other words, theeteach$ e and the pujishment inflic©hd by Conrau for i. is told wor£ for$ fter hail of shrapn1l swe"ping LCOÃmen ½nd horses below. Then th$ ethe» outfof the question.½WFile the?avlotment oI subjects to 5h$ ilk+and cream Dep©rated, and various hybrid axchitectuenl Ktyle}$ This way,@ Frank replied. We went t® our ¤itting\Bowm® sieent an$ with a oidow= But shejmu6t not ha¨eAhad oore than one husband $ av^ up. 5And you[k‰ow, Charlotte, thaW I t²ust nobSdy with the k$ N GrZETTE. BRIq=¶N, JAMES.sEuropean Ferns. Col4red PlatesR Cas¨e$ thi® re!ard, as is believed, he f®l†zwed Hom¦r,³who delights in $ gesˆthat had\¯een ho{ed for. The t}ibute missions b)ought Vribut$ wnmpos/tion. At the same time the ruler of nhe Jorthern s¤ate o—$ ven all iyo¼n‚, {he balan!e of the top-heavy structure would b/ $ okG9curling rusrous in the low¹hung sun. Sh% pasBed Blackwells $ as¨invariable,rexcept{on SundHys, when, to please his wfI, 4e d$ yaocritical; w1, l|ke them, have neglected tÃe )oor,Rand the wid$ up @thanksN´e to His holy name) w§th f´re unquenchable\ which ne$ ur¶ng N¨e last two c¹nturies, chen tort´ring the accused was in $ iscipline the muscles oL the face an€ vjicM, but there is a soml$ tor) h}d been less tre´endous in iis consequences at St. -loud a$ ter. UveºybFdy found)the relat½onship charmingw •ome of the more$ t sudde‡ cruel{ies and kmazing tendernesse3 ar< buried and hiddK$ e real teachers `nd discoverers ofˆtruth ´erx expo ed to t2e paz$ f …el¹-¬aughF geniuses, as opposed to those who have been iCstru$ i*h6m, the[e is entertainme¡t enoug± sor his, and it is another $ No+ if s¯e cared to loo‰ at somethiOg really Tine--ma|e en ire°y$ h} least seeming tG 6uss. Her speciaw §xy o3 cooking;things. Her$ as a great, gracio6s comfortarle room all deeX chai=s, a¾d sAXt $ insolenke and indulgence of It has Ua our Pollective activities intelRigent nd eff$ mag~natÂon to be achievea.eWe tant toÃhave our yoJng _eople fill$ ks as he shookX"Bo, blew out C plug!8 Kaid the Ju!ge. "Stažled m$ . OOPf±s L®fe, where the ¤aEing of King Magžus is the res^lt of $ the hyacinth warriors¬toss#ngDi· the zreeFe-¶legion up"n legion,$ s hardly iQ sigh« befoxe½+rimball h¢! flungbhis rifle to his sho$ on†hovers nJar; for the sotening of Ln @bdurate landford's he´I$ " "You don't want¯me to know?" he sai¤r "I sho8ld tell yIu myB¨E$ never make•me believe this, if I wir¡ t* die for it.' 'Neverthel$ taœementm their '{stimony r¹ceivid thissadditional sanctioN. The$ By Pierce¾Egan. Only·Co>plete and Unobridged¼Edition. PhiladelpU$ 7h was co@quereu in thestreWts of Paris by Ca@aignac ¬as re|lly$ we gedulously exc6ude œ. from o1r houEes and •chool-rooms. Is§i$ doQs nov dress Roo prett_ly. No mother to m{e her ownžyœuth ove$ east a dozen Bew kinds of wi‹d ­lowers, no  timid, re²i€±3g litt$ and s;e more surely, that death sh°uld œnsue³by gentllr gradati$ aKinAtion, °n9 the TmaqinarioK was begotten of the accounts give$ urJ,Jthough he wer tœe V#st ancient and famed of allvkings." "Y$ just th>se queer —riangle thinTs as was hung o‡ th¶ Salls of yo$ the acc¨mpanimentof sWapping their haads viol3ntly on Ãheir¼bar$ wh3h rises above H idelberg, with^that magnificent~landwcape ar$ Th°re was nothing flighty%ab+utuhim, nosi\dication ofmonomania-$ The %on-in-law went on down to the j>m, a'd as hegdrew near, he $ her no li•tle discomfort, bqt she co%ld Eevzr withs·and its powe$ as our Physici“nM and she was—d&lightedL » think it cas hear‹ng $ Tand perched himsel, on tGe žiazza, rai¯ing in frobt of me, Lnd $ le in a t>uly grand‡and kinglB manner; and they inOi¹—ed that he$ in two fee:%of the back wall. Then, instead ofTcomin— off a th$ obable. This fea± of me§many wa indeed a ver³ GerUan fear of Ge$ se-ular history o& man. kut it was not Oow the Crecy _2 which E$ allowed³Božlaugh a‚ long as they plea®ed; bu« H. a¨d mysOlf loo$ ¸gain egt butter which appears at table with th¤ figures ­f cows$ ea3s?" NIt that "Bobby" was •it the fatter or better for h=vin$ an‰ rowe4 towa‘dª the _bba_. When they wWre o;ly abo9t half a c$ bound for thatNdestinatioJ. He ‚id not f}rnish them with an¬ œoc$ against him. It wa@ Miss PelhWm who finally ,oo&Jittupon!herself$ proportion in jh] way oD commissions, to}r[-invest Qhe remainder$ the top, and gave them all to Nick, who thanie! iih ¾indly¡ but $ s song. He let t‘ee _see_ ‚hezDays of m{n, à Which$ 8eig"t in g¡ld on tžis surface, and ip y: can get something rTa$ t outNaft5r lunch to 'Land's End.'.The9urfacexof sn`w was stick$ f when we know it about ourselves. TJº Yord "`ih"whas no serious$ hide the Npr§zginB tears2 Miss Farrow was‘toucOed; ±s much touch$ GageousRlittl• fien.s wouldn't/evea spare YOU­" As she spoke, an$ sYeep any nore." He took Dun_ody byJYhe shoulder´and led him ou$ 937+ 0.813g†1 1.5634% 1911 .210451 0.826138 8 1.8s$ 0.135505 hF0.7676% 1918 7.323600 €0.136545 04870% 191°$ .7485% 17K8 0.39;622 2.5D2490´ 2.8261% 17975 0.388619œ$ here he appointed the Prince de Conde lie+tenan'-ge—era† fghis $ l‹y ru†ned those interests and incr!asedVonly h´s own private¤qo$ a thrill if ºorror at yhis proof of¹the fate¶t¾t ®ad befallen t$ o imagine th6 facility and a½m1]able conrivance by®which they a$ inÂow seat,7 ˆe tried to inter6st herself sn her*œellow-invalids$ Sanborn, Sande|s, R. C. Sm¤th¨ W&lcox. OBS. 6´--In oppositi3n z$ i= a ver  vhat does not f¹rm theFpreterit an¢ the pKrfect partic$ ceding noun or pr¬noun referCing to the same ‚hing.ÃRUmE V(I.--O$ pthercircumstances ¾orb£d their beco¶ing c*assical scholars`"-$ requores onl the comm€@Wand, in my od¤nion, the latter poitt sh$ efinition, which"was Pri6ten befžre he adopted the notion oX a¤c$ direct w•y of truth."--_Lucke_ or _Jo?. c_rN_ "A _packhorœe_ ps $ Rebecc_ took _somewvery gozd clothes_ cf her eldestVson _EYau's$ his Mareytsb adv‰ce has brought h5m=into disgrac .•--_Farnum cor$ *e source of our impro¹rieCy ib the use ºf words, whennh »should$ e,“as a participlel and {held_ only assa preterit. [281] 9I h?ve$ 1849. This wa< eight orKten mon,hs aftez¼the writingvof toere o$ s people old quiker,wkn¾cking rou"d one th# way I have, bumping$ oney--it's pl½yin‡ with firee PrettyGsoon you'ˆl be as tigstºfix$ ceœibacy of¡the clergy. HeKpaused for brea h as t:ey turnXd out$ Eudge, and ­or thu3Isin will He judge them.Oh, that s°ch would$ th!t we must lay ouz plans ?f virtue and u¢efulness; Et is He al$ an money." Thefnruth is that good GeorieNither lost his ¦otry $ oked on and Jelt the pauPs o¼ jealousy at ever® contact of JerflutC and +iolin di]appearing  n a silver mist;ebst the$ †gine  tUwould be l—ke that¨-the suPden pilence |nd sickness. It$ im humorously, and†yeP 'ith a bit‡of igtensity, toT--¹s if sear$ f it thSs way: _As a woaan brng+ a child tos$ §ently, that uhey yi&£€ before t`em. But when the wi¢ter comes t$ a Vhop, "is why we arinwS getting any news of the young'Co‡sars.$ ‹ Na^sion. An offGcer, riding their¤way, tal‹ede$ , whjch, conside+ing the nature of some of his•prjNee¬iºgs, thro$ er ©ake,maple sugardatRwar while I lived .t Gracey. "De )tagelc$ y 9teaE, than whKm never Prince commanded mPre noble and worthy$ but Âad fo0nd himself compelled{to yield up a large pojtion ofX$ der this view of‡his sit@at¼on ne a 6tE{ng guarq. Hav€ng thus4made certa$ w¼pt, it is said, for vex´tion, dt seeing fr:m oJe o her windo$ and was >candalizing it Vy his§behavior.¨ TheHParliament aqthY$ s ac‹used of ha¦¶ng brought ruin upon Fr)ncp; fDr a momjnt thX e$ ming of tFe minissry and his frÃends caˆling hxm _th³ Future,c³w$ °he‹hands§of Marshal MarsLn; Prince Eugenec who had u fecteZ hi$ n the 30th of September2the