Advanced Network and Graph Algorithms (WS 12/13)
General information
- Lecturer:
Dr. Hanjo Täubig - Module: IN2158, TUMonline
- Area:
4+2 lectures per week in area III (Theoretical Computer Science) - Time and Place:
Tuesday, 16:15–17:45, lecture hall 00.08.038
Thursday, 12:15–13:45, lecture hall 00.13.009A -
2 hours per week exercises accompanying the lectures
Teaching Assistant: Jeremias Weihmann
- Exam:
see German page
- Audience:
graduate students of computer science
students with computer science as minor - ECTS: 8 points
- Prerequisites:
1st and 2nd year courses
Course Efficient Algorithms and Datastructures I/II advantagious, but not necessary. - Contents:
- Centrality indices / Facility Location Problems
- Density in (sub-)graphs
- Advanced algorithms for connectivity problems
- Clustering
- Network statistics
- Network comparison
- Algebraic methods
- Spectral analysis
- Robustness
- Related and Advanced Lectures:
Efficient Algorithms and Datastructures I - Slides:
see German page
- References:
The lectures are based on the book
U. Brandes, Th. Erlebach (Eds.): Network Analysis - Methodological Foundations(Use automatic proxy configuration from
- Office Hours:
look here